5:00 pm
Welcome and introduction to the topic
André Dalichau (etventure) & Qasim Abbas (etventure)
5:15 pm
First-hand insights by EDI Start-ups on the key question with
adiutaByte • CreationLabsAI • HOPU
5:40 pm
VC Expert Input with Investment Manager Klea Wenger
Klea Wenger (Swisscom Ventures)
5:50 pm
First-hand insights by EDI Start-ups on the key question with
Amplify Analytix • ID Ward • IN2
6:15 pm
VC Expert Input with Investment Manager Klea Wenger
Klea Wenger (Swisscom Ventures)
6:25 pm
First-hand insights by EDI Start-ups on the key question with
Divizend • Grama • iERP.ai
6:50 pm
Wrap Up with Investment Manager Klea Wenger
Klea Wenger (Swisscom Ventures)
7:00 pm
Digital Networking with Audience & Startups
The amount of data available is increasing drastically: Every day more than 5 billion consumers interact with data. Every minute people exchange 527.760 Snapchats and 46,740 Instagram photos, watch 4 million YouTube videos and send 156 million emails. Big Data came to stay, however, countless new links, paths and solutions are emerging at an unprecedented speed. This foreshadows many new challenges that will soon confront the disruptors of today.
How to gear up for the disruptive technologies yet to come?
Together with you, we want to welcome VC and Investment Manager Klea Wenger (Swisscom Ventures), and VC and startup expert Qasim Abbas (etventure), who will share valuable insights and concrete appraisals of the current situation. Moreover, we will have the top nine European Data Incubator #EDI Big Data Startups sharing first-hand insights and their specific strategies on how to expect the unexpected and stay ahead of the challenges that are yet to come.
The European Data Incubator (EDI) is an incubation programme by the EU Commission, which assists European big data startups and SMEs in realizing their innovative ideas. Participants receive, among other things, access to equity-free financing, corporate data sets and mentoring from accomplished practitioners. The program has just finished its third incubation batch and the startup finalists are part of the digital event "Disrupting the Disruptors".